Ian and Jared sit down at the Featured table with their good buddy Josh Taylor (Blimey Cow) to discuss the puzzley, space exploration deduction game, The Search for UAPs, published by Renegade Games and Bezier…
Ian and Jared sit down at the Featured table with their good buddy Josh Taylor (Blimey Cow) to discuss the puzzley, space exploration deduction game, The Search for UAPs, published by Renegade Games and Bezier…
Jared, Faith, and Joy sit down at the Kid’s table and take a look at the tricky memory and set collection game Nana from Mob Plus. Links for Nana Game Interested in purchasing? Nana /…
Ian and Jared sit down at the featured table to discuss the many expansions in the Marvel Champions lineup by Fantasy Flight Games. They discuss each campaign box, each hero, and discuss some of their…
Anna and Jared sit down at the two top table to discuss the social climbing, estate building, open drafting, and hand management game Obsession by Kayenta Games. Links for Obsession Publisher: Kayenta GamesDesigner: Dan HallaganArtists:…